emu8086 provides some libraries that have macro functions for IO, mathmatic operaion and so on.
emu8086.inc is the most common file.
You can use the library if you write include "emu8086.inc
at the first line of source file.
macro function
Let me introduce some macro functions.
- PUTC char - print one character
- GOTOXY col, row - set cursor position
- PRINT string - print a string
- CURSOROFF - turn off text cursor
- CURSORON - turn on text curosr
Following is an example.
include "emu8086.inc"
ORG 100h
PRINT 'Hello World!'
GOTOXY 10, 5
PUTC 65 ; 65 - is an ASCII code for 'A'
RET ; return to operating system.
END ; directive to stop the compiler.
library function
Some library functions.
- PRINT_STRING - print a string that addressed by DS:SI register
- usage: write DEFINE_PRINT_STRING before END keyword
- PTHIS - get a address from stack and print a string
- how to call: CALL PTHIS db 'Hello World', 0
- usage: write DEFINE_PTHIS before END keyword
- CLEAR_SCREEN - clear entire screen
- usage: write DEFINE_CLEAR_SCREEN before END keyword
- SCAN_NUM - get number from keybord and store the number in cx
- usage : DEFINE_SCAN_NUM before END keyword
- PRINT_NUM - print a decimal number in AX
- usage : write DEFINE_PRINT_NUM and DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS before END keyword
- PRINT_NUM_UNS - print a signed decimal number in AX
- usage : DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS before END keyword
Following shows how to use the functions. They are functions, so you should call them with call instruction.
include 'emu8086.inc'
ORG 100h
LEA SI, msg1 ; ask for the number
CALL print_string ;
CALL scan_num ; get number in CX.
MOV AX, CX ; copy the number to AX.
; print the following string:
CALL pthis
DB 13, 10, 'You have entered: ', 0
CALL print_num ; print number in AX.
RET ; return to operating system.
msg1 DB 'Enter the number: ', 0
DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS ; required for print_num.
END ; directive to stop the compiler.